Understanding E-waste: 2 Benefits of Recycling
E-waste is the name given to waste which is generated when electronic equipment becomes obsolete or is no longer required. As the use of electronic devices increased in the 1980s and 1990s, the disposal of e-waste became a significant issue. In response to the problem, e-waste disposal and recycling centres were established across Australia. However, due to a lack of awareness, many businesses still try to place e-waste into their standard garbage bins. Below is a guide to everything you need to know about the benefits of using an e-waste recycling service.
Recycling means that electronics can be reused
While you may be investing in the latest smartphone for your corporate staff, there is a good chance that there is nothing wrong with the phones they are using at the moment. Rather than throwing these phones in the trash, you can donate them to an e-waste recycling charity. There is a range of charities which accept second-hand electronic items such as phones, laptops and TVs. These items are reconditioned and then either donated to developing countries or resold to raise funds so the charity can continue its good work. If a device is not working, an e-waste recycling centre can strip out gold wiring and other valuable components which can then be reused or resold to raise money for charity.
Recycling your e-waste helps to reduce the size of landfill sites
At one time, electronic devices were very expensive, and developments in new technology were relatively slow. This meant that a business would often keep a device in service for many years. However, because the price of electronics has fallen, you may find yourself replacing company mobile phones and laptops on a yearly basis. If you place e-waste in your standard garbage collection, you are increasing the amount of waste which is being placed under the ground. E-waste can create many challenges as electronic equipment will often contain material which is hazardous to people's health and the environment such as heavy metals and radioactive substances. When batteries and other dangerous materials are buried in the earth, they can contaminate the ground and local water supply. When you use an e-waste recycling centre, you can take comfort in the fact that you are not damaging the environment.
If you would like to find out more about the benefits of recycling e-waste, you should contact an e-waste recycling centre today for further info.